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What do we want to do?Expressions – The Coffee Shop. -Create an informal gathering place that promotes community cohesion, -Reduces Social isolation -A safe place to talk. -Address issues that cause depression, by providing a safe place and sense of purpose, wellbeing and develop feelings of self- worth. -Develop a community facility; out of the many delict and empty shops -Build cultural and social harmony. -Raise awareness of cultures and foster togetherness. -Develop a Creative space that promotes the Arts, Crafts and Music as both an intervention tool but also as an early intervention service. -Develop a Community Garden. -Develop opportunities to share skills and develop networks -Utilise the skills and experience of local people and promote business potential -Provide opportunities to gain skills, do voluntary work and links to employment. ¡¡¡Pop in and have a coffee, have a conversation and make friends!!!.
Who do we want to help?People suffering from, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, isolation and mental health issues. Individuals and groups who have nowhere to go and very little to do and as result struggle with day to day life, many of these will be unemployed aged between 25 plus. The project will be working with a very diverse group of people, many from the local communities of Chuckery, and St Matthews ward, however a number from emergingcommunities such as Hungry, Poland, Romania, and the Asian and AfricanContinent.A significant number will be from the older communities who have seen a drasticreduction in community facilities and often feel that their lives no longer have purpose.
Can I pay by Credit Card in the shopYes
Can I book sessions and then go on holiday and still maintain my place for when I get back?Yes, but you will need to book those dates for when you get back
Do you serve Vegan mealsYes made to order - so call us or pop in avoid busy times like lunchtime
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